You are the one for me, for me, for me, formidable
You are my love very, very, very, véritable
Et je voudrais pouvoir un jour enfin te le dire
Te l' écrireDans la langue de Shakespeare
My daisy, daisy, daisy, désirable
Je suis malheureux d' avoir si peu de mots
À t'offrir en cadeaux
Darling I love you, love you, darling I want you
Et puis c' est à peu près tout
You are the one for me, for me, for me, formidable

You are the one for me, for me, for me, formidable
But how can youSee me, see me, see me, si minable
Je ferais mieux d'aller choisir mon vocabulaire
Pour te plaireDans la langue de Molière
Toi, tes eyes, ton nose, tes lips adorables
Tu n'as pas compris tant pis
Ne t'en fais pas et viens-t-en dans mes bras
Darling I love you, love you,
Darling, I want you
Et puis le reste on s'en fout
You are the one for me, for me, for me, formidable
Je me demande même
Pourquoi je t'aime
Toi qui te moques de moi et de tout
Avec ton air canaille, canaille, canaille
How can I love you

Charles Aznavour


Fim de semana ... e nada para fazer!
... amiguinha Nani me convida para passear na chacara dela ...
Claro que vou ne! ^^ Foi suuuuuper divertido.
O lugar e agradabilissimo!! Os pais dela entao, super comicos!

... lichia ... foi a sensacao do dia ...
acho que comi umas 80 delas!
~ delicia ~

... um presente que o avo da Nani deu para a mae dela ...
um 'fazedor de fuba' ... suuuuuuuuuper pesado!
Fomos passear na cidade de Itu.
La tudo e gigante. FUN!!

(I learned that gazebo is called CORETO in Portuguese! ^^)

~ shake time with Rosinha ... cute girl ~
Quando voltamos a Chacara ... fizemos um tur!
Quando eu crescer,
vou morar numa chacara tambem. ^^

Nani, thank you for the fun day!
We shall repeat, eh~ ^^

Last class picture!!

ONCE AGAIN ... school is finally over!
... This year was super special ...
just like ALL the previous years. ^^
Learning through frustrations and achievements,
growing as a student and as a teacher,
knowing that everyone is loved by those involved
in this yearlong intense relationship.

I hate saying good-bye to my students,
even though I know I'll be seeing them around the following year.
It's like having to let go the last piece of string attached to the kite
so it can fly high and go on its own way
... and hoping that he/she will remember all the GOOD things
you tried to plant in their little hearts
to help them live a successful life.
You'll be forever in my heart and in my prayers.

Fun moments with Gabi~

... once in a very long while ...
Gabriela and I do things together.
... pictures to keep these times recorded ...




I'm glad God put you in my life.
You're really special~