Happy Thanksgiving~

Let me see ... I'm thankful for ...

* my daddy * my mommy * my brother * my grandma * my shelter * my diet and appetite * my life * my health * my straight-curly hair * my eyes * my eyelids * my 20/20 eyesight * my nose * my olfacty * my mouth * my tastebud * my round face * my pierced ears * my perfect hearing * my zits * my double chin * my barely existing neck * my eye-catching broad shoulders * my nice strong arms * my soft elbows * my artistic hands * my 10 pianist fingers * my sometimes hairy armpits * my gracious breast * my tummy * my charming hips * my little round buttocks * my sexy legs * my scarred knees * my princess feet * my 10 cute little toes * my arched feet soles * my muscles * my bones * my nerves * my period * my brain * my capacity to think - at times * my job * my education * my background * my culture and subcultures * my true friends * my enimies * my colleagues * my boss * my unforgettable precious students * my financial situation which allows me to enjoy life * my mentors ...

Oh gooooosh... the list goes on forever...
(I guess I could be more 'mature' about listing
some serious things to be thankful for)
There are just so many things I can list to what I'm thankful for
... from the smallest to the greatest ...
from tangible to untangible ... But come on...
I gotta admit that all these things I'm soooo forevermore greatful for
are because of the GOD I believe in...the one who's given me
all and much more than I deserve!
My dear GOD, thank you soooo much!!

Pq o brasileiro eh cheiroso?!?!?!

Hahaha... meus alunos sao mto engracadinhos.
Eles acham o maximo quando a 'Miss Kang' nao sabe
a resposta de alguma pergunta q eles fazem ne!
Dai eles vem com umas piadinhas.
(tipo... momento 'vinganca' ... se acham os sabe-tudo)
Bom, as de hoje sao essas ...
de vaaaaarias... pois sao as unicas que eu consigo lembrar,
e se eu nao tomar nota LOGO... esqueco tambem! ^^

1. Por que o brasileiro eh cheiroso?
R: pq antes ele morava numa colonia!

2. Qual o pais onde todos tem a bunda branca?

3. Como o BATMAN joga futebol?
R: ele BATe escanteio, ele BATe escanteio...


Da pra imaginar como sao as pecinhas ne! ^^


Você sabe o que é tautologia?
É o termo usado para definir um dos vícios de linguagem.
Consiste na repetição de uma idéia, de maneira viciada,
com palavras diferentes, mas com o mesmo sentido.
O exemplo clássico é o famoso
'subir para cima' ou o 'descer para baixo'.
Mas há outros, como você pode ver na lista a seguir:
- elo de ligação
- acabamento final
- certeza absoluta
- quantia exata
- nos dias 8, 9 e 10, inclusive
- juntamente com
- expressamente proibido
- em duas metades iguais
- sintomas indicativos
- há anos atrás
- vereador da cidade
- outra alternativa
- detalhes minuciosos
- a razão é porque
- anexo junto à carta
- de sua livre escolha
- superávit positivo
- todos foram unânimes
- conviver junto
- fato real
- encarar de frente
- multidão de pessoas
- amanhecer o dia
- criação nova
- retornar de novo
- empréstimo temporário
- surpresa inesperada
- escolha opcional
- planejar antecipadamente
- abertura inaugural
- continua a permanecer
- a última versão definitiva
- possivelmente poderá ocorrer
- comparecer em pessoa
- gritar bem alto
- propriedade característica
- demasiadamente excessivo
- a seu critério pessoal
- exceder em muito
Fique atento às expressões que utiliza no seu dia-a-dia.
Verifique se não está caindo nesta armadilha.


This is my niece
who I've been tutoring English for the past year.
... She's such a bright little girl ...
and as you can see, sooooo cute!!
I love this little precious girl ... God bless her.

This is Esther writing her name!
She'd just learned how to write
the letters of the alphabet.
... so proud of her ...


This is a very famous Christian quintet
... they've been around for the last 25 years or so ...
going around the world and spreading their great vocal talent
their charisma and, above all, God's love...
Well, Acappella came to Brazil and I went to their show
with my friend Dalvinha ... hehehe ...
It was really fun watching them!
I tried recording some of their singing,
but I ran out of memory... huahuahua ...

Book Fair...

This year's book fair at the school
was a little more interesting than last year's.
We did the annual "creating-your-own-book" and the whole display.
As you can see, my class' book-creation theme was Kamishibai.
Kamishibai literally means paper-theater in Japanese ...
it was an interesting way of storytelling.
Candy-sellers, known as the kamishibai men,
used to go riding their bikes throughout the streets of Japan
clapping wooden sticks called hyoshigi.
Those kids who could afford to buy candies from him
got to sit close up to the "stage" where
they could see the illustration cards
as the wonderful stories were being told.
This was common from the 1020's to the 1950's.
It suddenly disappeared as TV gained more popularity.
Nowadays, the Kamishibai stories are found in manga and anime.
Well... the cool part of the book fair was that we had a guest-speaker.
The speaker was Claudia Riecken, a mother of one of my students.
The little moment she shared with the students was great
... helping them understand what resilience means and
encouraging them to always bring out the good characters traits
in order to face and overcome obstacles in life.
Then there's me ...
literally getting into the books.
... with the girls and with the boys ...
These kids are great!!

6º Festival Varilux de Cinema Francês

Ok, another French movie!! ... hahaha ... I've never loved being a 'student' as much as I do now... being a French language learner ... it's great!! I get all these invitations for shows and movies
~ Gotta love it, eh~

Well, today's movie was Prête-moi ta main (A Noiva Perfeita). It was a sneak-preview... hehehe ... Now, how cool is that?! There will be several French movies at the HSBC Belas Artes theater here in Sao Paulo from the 9th to the 15th of November... This festival is held yearly in order to incite people (Brazilians) to watch French movies.

Well, I guess that'll make me busy with my extra-French-curriculum. Hehehe... I wanna go see as many as I can. Ok, ok, ok ... I have to admit that the listening was a little too advanced for me ... ^^ but I managed to understand the 'overarching' idea ...HUAHUAHUA...

Filme da semana...

Muito lindo esse filme!
~ A Good Year / Um Bom Ano ~
... you should watch it sometime ...

"Pardonnez mes lèvres, ils trouvent la joie
dans les endroits les plus inhabituels."


The Maths in life

1. Smart man + smart woman = romance
2. Smart man + dumb woman = affair
3. Dumb man + smart woman = marriage
4. Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy

A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need.

A woman worries about the future until she gets husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
A successful man is one who makes more money
than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.

To be happy with a man,
you must understand him a lot and love him little.
To be happy with a woman,
you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.

Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed.
Women somehow deteriorate during the night.

A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change,
and she does.

A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.

Smart boss + smart employee = profit
Smart boss + dumb employee = production
Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion
Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime