My Colourful Cube

Always wanted one of these cubes,
and it finally has come to me!!
Well, this cube is called
the Rubik's Cube,
named after its creator, Ernő Rubik
... who invented it in 1974.
But he had originally named it
the Magic Cube.
Ernő Rubik is from Hungary.
He's a sculptor and
an arquitecture professor.
Anyways, that's pretty much all I know about Mr. Rubik and his cube.
I guess if you wish to know more ... just go to! ^^
My summer vacation project is to figure out this puzzle
~ without cheating! Wish me good luck!!

Fonte do Ibirapuera

Hoje é véspera de Natal e eu fui ver o anual show de Natal
no Parque Ibirapuera... e também ver a árvore de Natal.
Pra ser sincera, esperei algo beeeem mais bonito,
mas o que importa é que existe esse tipo de apresentação aqui
para as pessoas de São Paulo apreciar nessa época do ano.
Ainda não consegui aprender tirar fotos à noite,
por isso as fotos não saíram tão boas...
agradeço a compreensão. HUAHUAHUA~

... queria muito ter ido com alguém especial ...

Cesta NOBRE de Natal

Eu sou chique demais!!!
Não recebo cesta básica, e sim uma cesta nobre!
Olha só!

A minha cesta nobre contém:

*Maxi Goiabinha ~ 90 calorias, 0% gordura trans.
*Torrone com Amendoim ~ macio
*Gulosos Wafer de Chocolate ~ com a cara do Shrek
*Pão de Mel ~ 4 unidades!!
*Bolinho de Chocolate e recheio de chocolate
*Dori Amendoim Chocolate
*Dori Amendoim Japonês
*Shock ~ bombom recheado com cobertura de chocolate
*(2) Don Pepe Ameixa ~ seca com caroço
*Torcida Chips ~ batata frita ondulada
*Torcida Bacon Pellet
*Yogurt Chews ~ balinhas
*Nikito recheado chocolate
*Biscoito Recheado Visconti ~ sabor morango
*Salpet Ritz Triunfo ~ biscoito salgado
*Gelatina de Abacaxi
*Geléia de Morango
*Maionese Oderich
*Lentilha Yoki ~ Saúde, Fartura e Alegria
* Azeitonas Verdes ~ em conserva
*Parafuso Colorido ~ macarrão Sêmola com Vegetais
*Suco de Caju ~ Alto Teor de Polpa
*Fermentado de Frutas Gaseificadas Doce ~ Precioso
*Vinho Tinto de Mesa Suave ~ Precioso
*Panettone D'oro ~ Vincen Za

Feliz Natal!! HO HO HO!!!

Ofereço Minha Vida

Tudo o que sou
tudo o que tenho
estão diante de Ti, Senhor
minhas tristezas e alegrias
a Ti entrego agora, Senhor
Ofereço minha vida a Ti
usa o meu viver
para Tua glória
os meus dias são Teus Senhor
que seja o meu louvor
sacrifício agradável
minha vida eu te dou
O meu passado
o meu futuro
sonhos que um dia se realizarão
minha esperança e os meus planos
todo o meu serpertence ao Senhor
dou-te porque me deste primeiro
tudo o que tenho já pertence ao Senhor
a minha vida é Tua somente
me rendo a Ti, meu Senhor.

Igreja Bíblica da Paz
Composição: Claire Cloninger e Don Moen

A pet?!

What's so unusual about this picture?!

Hhmmm... the reason why this image captures me so much
is because it makes me reflect so much on the kind of relationship
I have with God ~ Lion of Judah
I often catch myself living a life like this girl ...
... with God leashed and carrying Him right next to me,
as if He's to do EVERYTHING I want in life ... of course.
Whenever life is going just dandy, blissful,
and seems to be going all just perfectly,
I forget that I must seek Him and listen
to what He's got to tell me about my life.
I know that's not how I should be living
this precious life He's given me.
Why not?!
Because 99.9999...% of the time,
my heart has filled with pride and selfishness,
and it has turned away from the Truth.
~ what a calamity ~
Oh, when things are not going the way I think they should,
or when I feel very threatened by the circumstances of life,
I remember that I have Him right next to me
- on the leash and always ready to fight for me -
Now, how selfish and immature is that!!
I would call that not only emocionally underdeveloped,
but also tremendously spiritually retrogression.
Whatever happened to the days where I was so pure and naive ...
... to the days that I could feel Him working so closely in my life ...
... to the days where I could experience miracles ...
Why does one grow older and grow colder?
... then again ... is it always just me?!

I had a dream...

For the last couple nights, I've been having strange dreams.
Yes, I do often have funky dreams ...
and must admit that I am a true 'activist' in all of them
... I tend to wake up either crying my eyes out or laughing my head off
and in some cases attempting to scream or run ...
which are two of the many impossible actions
anyone is able to execute in his/her dream...
or is it just me?! ... I always wondered that...

So ... two nights ago,
I dreamed that I was pregnant and driving a car.
Actually, I was perfecly un-pregnant until I was trying to park
my/someone's car in a parking lot of a building ...
It just dawned on me when I couldn't turn the steering wheel
because my huge tummy was in the way!!!
I was in shock!! @.@ How could this be?!?!
Couldn't remember getting married to anyone
... sleeping with anyone. IMPOSSIBLE!!
Well, I got out of the car wondering how the baby
ended up inside me and looking at my car that was smashed
into one of the pillars of the parking lot.
I woke out of that dream trying to scream,
not because of the UFB (Unknown Foreign Baby),
but because somehow along the dream...
my brother and I were talking and, out of the blues,
he landed a hot iron on my shin! ... Hahaha ...
I truly wonder sometimes if I'm psychologically normal. ^^

Just last night, I had another wierd dream!!!
I was in my classroom teaching my dear students.
The bell rang for the kids to go to their play-time and for me to leave
cuz it was already noon. (I only work part-time)
So I packed my things and started heading off somewhere
as if I were going to my usual Monday-Wednesday French classes ...
but I end up in a maternity ready to bear a child!!!
Just a few minutes ago I was perfectly 'normal', and a few later
I found myself pregnant AGAIN, and preparing myself to give birth.
Oh, I'm only shocked cuz I'm awake ...
cuz during the entire dream I was taking it all so naturally
... which shocks me even more!!
Well, a baby girl came out of me painlessly and so clean...
unlike the video I watched during my Education classes in college
where the mother seemed to be so much pain and torture.
As I was appreciating my precious little baby
the doctor says I need to 'hang-in there' cuz I had another on the way!
So I just laid there waiting for the next baby to pop out~~
... I don't remember it coming out of me like the first baby,
but I do remember holding it and looking at her face.
It had the most beautiful big eyes... sooooo pretty!!
I know that babies are ugly when they're just born, but
daym... my baby girl was gorgeous... trés mignonne!!!
And so I got my cellphone and called my husband,
who seemed to have been improvised along the dream,
and I told him that I had just given birth to our two baby girls,
and asked him what we were naming them.
Do you know what he answered???
"We'll decide it later."
I began to cry away ...
and this is how I woke out of this dream.

I have my own theory about dreams,
that once you dream something, it won't ever
come true... so now I'm wondering what part of this whole
messed up pregnancy dream of mine won't come true!

Grazie a Dio

My friend Milane... from the French course...
celebrated her birthday (29th) at a little restaurant/bar
called Grazie a Dio... a nice place... with live music.
These are some of her friends that were there.

Milane... Happy Birthday!! ^^

Experiencia unica!

se vc ja subiu ou desceu a bandeira do Brasil
com a banda da policia tocando o Hino Nacional!!
Pois nao e que eu ja fiz isso! Hahaha...
Foi demais... realmente uma sensacao sem igual!

Infelizmente nao pude tirar fotos enquanto eu descia a bandeira.