Who or What is Your Sunshine?

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are gray.
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you.
Please, don't take my sunshine away.

We all know or at least we've heard this little song
by Johnny Cash, right!
This past week, the spelling/vocabulary words
my students had to study were
clouds, sky, raindrops, rainbow, sunshine, Earth... etc.
We were also studying the simple future tense ... using will.
Anyways, I thought this song could come in handy
and we sang it together in class. ^^ It was so fun!!
After the inumerous attempts of singing harmoniously,
I told them to draw what came to their minds
as they sang or read these lyrics.
This is what they've come up with.
... so cute ...

[friends and family ... and Miss Kang!!]
[the Sun and nature]
[video-game and the pet]

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