Pateo da Luz

Hoje foi um dia de semana bem diferente.
... sai com a Ivani e a Dalva para um jantar 'casual' ...
Comemos muita pizza! @.@ Hahahah...
* comemoramos um sonho que a Ivani conseguiu realizar
e o meu aniversario que ja passou *

Vcs sao mto divertidas!! ^^

Kinda funny...

... click on each animal ...

Want more? Get 'em @!

할머니 & I

This is my grandmother.
... we look alike so much, eh!
hehehe... it's gotta be the round face.
I've been living with her for two years now,
just grandma and I... best housemates... yuhuu!!
We have our 'moments' of missunderstaning,
but we have many more loving moments.
Oh gosh... she has this thing of repeating
the same ol'stories over and over!!
I gotta admit that when I'm bored
these stories are entertaining ... hehe~

She's taught me a lot about life ...
and I like to believe that
I've taught her some good things!
... hahahaha ...
Today is/was my birthday and
she took me out for dinner... so sweet of her.
할머니 ... thank you! ^^

Almoco de aniversario ^^

Hoje comemorei o meu aniversario com a Dalva.
... foi mto especial... um almoco esperado/inesperado.
Recebi mto carinho da minha amiguinha.

Muito obrigada, Dalva!

Crafting For The First Time

I had one of the funnest days of my life this past Saturday.
My sweety friend, Daniela,
invited me to a craft workshop in Santos
... called MARSHMALLOW. ^^
We started playing with these
colourful papers and pictures at 3PM...
and ended up spending the ENTIRE AFTERNOON there!
By the time we left that place, it was 8.30PM!! @.@
... but it was soooooooooooo fun ...
I guess I'll have to find places like this here in Sao Paulo
to entertain myself once in a while,
and craft as a hobby.
*we each get two packets*
*of different themes*
... we did VIAGEM and CURTINDO A VIDA ...

*this is the final work of my crafting*


... to rindo a toa ... tenis amarelinho ...
my second pair of ALL STAR ... cute, eh!!
... repara os cardacos ... lacinhos pra nao amarrar ...
you're speechless ... i know

IQ Test

1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?
The correct answer is:
Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe and close the door.
This question tests whether you tend to do simple things
in an overly complicated way.
2. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?
Wrong Answer:
Open the refrigerator, put in the elephant and close the refrigerator.
Correct Answer:
Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe,
put in the elephant and close the door.
This tests your ability to think through
the repercussions of your actions.
3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference.
All the animals attend except one.
Which animal does not attend?
Correct Answer:
The Elephant. The Elephant is in the refrigerator.
This tests your memory.
OK, even if you did not answer the first three questions, correctly,
you still have one more chance to show your abilities.
4. There is a river you must cross.
But it is inhabited by crocodiles.
How do you manage it?
Correct Answer:
You swim across.
All the crocodiles are attending the animal conference.
This tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes.
According to Andersen Consulting Worldwide,
around 90% of the professionals they tested
got all questions wrong.
But many preschoolers got several correct answers.
Anderson Consulting says this conclusively disproves the theory
that most professionals have the brains of a four year old.

Tchers Shot!

No belo fim de semana do Dia dos Pais
... trabalhando com os sorrisos estampados no rosto!
... hahahaha... ^^
* Maestra Alexandra & Miss Kang *
* Sara, Alexandra, Isabela, Clécio, Sônia, Max *

Downtown on a gloomy day?!

Do you have any idea what this could possibly be?!
Ja ouviu falar em BECO DO PINTO?!
... hahahah... nomesinho engracado ne! ^^

"O nome do beco relaciona-se a um dos antigos proprietários do Solar da Marquesa de Santos, o Brigadeiro José Joaquim Pinto de Morais Leme, que entrou em desavença com seus vizinhos e a Municipalidade em 1821, por ter fechado o acesso ao beco. No ano de 1826, a passagem foi reaberta e recebeu da Câmara o nome oficial de Beco do Colégio.

Em 1834, a Marquesa de Santos, ao comprar o Solar de um dos herdeiros do Brigadeiro Pinto, conseguiu da Câmara o fechamento da passagem. Reduzido a depósito de lixo após a abertura da ladeira do Carmo em 1912 (atual Av. Rangel Pestana) o beco ficou fechado por várias décadas."

E a pergunta que nao quer se calar...
Como se chega ate la??
1. With a GOOD FRIEND vai ate a Estacao Se,
onde fica a Catedral da Se

2. vai ate o Pateo do Collegio e
toma um cafesinho no Cafe do Pateo
... um ambiente super gostosinho!

* detalhe ... ganhei um presente
de aniversario da Daniela *

3. assim que sair do Pateo do Collegio, vire a esquerda
e vire a esquerda de novo!! Tem uma ruasinha que o levara
de volta no tempo do Dom Pedro (1800's) ... hahaha...
Se vc seguir direitinho, vc deve chegar a um lugar
igualzinho a esse da foto! ^^ Mto bonito!!
... e aqui e onde vc encontra o Beco do Pinto...
- on the picture, there's a man standing right in front of it -

* but, of course, I had to visit the Solar da Marquesa de Santos *
- on the picture above, it's the pink house -

"O Solar foi residência de D. Maria Domitilia de Castro Canto e Melo,
Marquesa de Santos, a partir de 1834.
A marquesa é apontada como uma das amantes
do primeiro imperador brasileiro, D. Pedro I.
As origens do Solar são desconhecidas, embora,
pelas características arquitetônicas,
supõe-se que seja da segunda metade do século XVIII."

* apparently, this was her bathtub... hehehe....
... and this is the staircase of her home ...

* then Daniela and I continued our passeio *
(essa e a entrada de algum banco ...
me empolquei tanto com as fotos
que esqueci de ver o nome)

* goofing around *