A Concise History of Korea


I had ALWAYS wanted to know about the origin of my ancestors,
as in ... the Korean people.
Honestly, I have no clue about my background!
How embarrassing is that!!!

Where did the Koreans
really come from?
My parents always told me that
it's a nation of over
5000 years of history
... unlike the baby Brazil!
Hey, I wonder if
the Garden of Eden
wasn't actually on the faaaar
East of 'Asia' ... ^^

Don't tell anyone,
but another embarrassing fact is that
I've had this book for a year and never touched it.
Thank God, my thirst for my background is finally starting to kill me.
So, this is what I'm reading these days.
It gives you a pretty good idea to how Korea came about.
It's the book I recommend ALL Koreans to read
~ especially 1.5 or 2nd generation ... or even 3rd or 4th...
or anyone interested in truly knowing about Korea!

A Concise History of Korea:
From the Neolithis Period through the Nineteenth Century
by Michael J. Seth

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