Je suis malade!

I've been caughing non-stop
and got a mega-irritating runny nose
... which have been bothersome
for the last month or so~
Gotta confess that I thought
it was my normal/usual
sore throat for stressing with work and
'screaming' my guts out at my kids!
Hahaha... just kidding...
I don't scream at my students,
no way!!
Hopefully I'll never have to ...
cuz I'm just the good kind of a teacher.
Anyways, for the last few nights, I haven't been able to sleep well,
consequently making my loving/lively days with my students
really tiresome and stressing... even sleeping on the bus
while I commute from one workplace to another!
... never thought I'd do that ...
always thought ppl who slept on the bus were wierd~
Well, I had to put an end to this... so I missed my morning's work
and payed (R$ 150) a visit to the doctor at a clinic close by.
For my 'surprise', I was diagnosed with faringitis and bronchitis! >.<
I wanted to cry... the doctor said that if I'd taken a bit longer ...
it would have turned to a pneumonia ... and I would have been 'hospitalized'!
He perscribed a whole bunch of medication...
and I had to buy them. (Another R$150)
Well, I have a lot of faith that I'll get better and be completely cured
in two weeks time. ^^ hehehe... And if I truly am better by then,
I'll call the doctor to thank him. Hahah...
OF COURSE I've been praying!! He knows...
I want my mommy!

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